SO Fees
Debt Collection
Other services
Fees Calculation

Sheriff Officer fees are calculated in terms of the Table of Fees as more fully described in the SO Fees tab. A guide to some of the more common fees are detailed below. The final fee will be dependent on how many attempts at service are required, whether other enquiries are involved and where distance is a consideration the address at which service is finally effected. The calculations below will however give an accurate guide to the charges you can expect.

Postal service

In most cases postal service must be attempted first. Otherwise the costs of service may not be recoverable. In certain specific instances such as actions of interdict postal service will not be used.

Select Type of Action


Personal Service

The fees for personal service vary depending on the type of action, the number of people to be served with documents, and whether they are at the same or different addresses. An additional 30% is added to the fee if the address is in a remote rural area as defined by the Scottish Government. Select the appropriate options below. Please note that if the document requiring service contains any form of interdict it will come under a separate heading in the table of fees.

Select Type of Action

Please enter full postcode or at minimum the whole first section and the number from the second section eg: 'FK6 5' If no result appears the postcode is not in the database.

Additional People at same address

Additional People at different address

Earnings Arrestment

Earnings Arrestment Schedules are served by recorded delivery post. The fee accordingly only varies by the type of action..

Select Type of Action


Bank Arrestment

Bank arrestments are served personally by officers of court at bank premises. As these are mainly located in towns and cities within 12 miles of a court we have shown only the Band 1 figures. Please contact us if the place of arrestment is in a rural area,

Select Type of Action


Other fees

This is not an exhaustive list of the possible fees but deals with those we are most commonly instructed in. Other fees such as attachment can only be calculated once the value of the attached goods is known and cannot be calculated in advance. If you require details of any potential fee not quoted on this page or confirmation or clarification of the fees quoted please contact us.